Cheesy Baked Asparagus

The easiest way to integrate asparagus into your diet is to grill it. Throw them on a baking sheet or tray and let the oven do its work. It couldn’t be easier. But not everyone is a fan of these green stems! Finding ways to get everyone to enjoy them can be a nightmare! That’s where this asparagus recipe comes in! You’re only four main ingredients away from having the best asparagus in your life!

Asparagus ✓

Garlic ✓

Olive oil ✓

Mozzarella cheese ✓

Tips for roasted asparagus

Cut off the dry, woody ends of the asparagus. A quicker way to cook a large bunch like this is to tear off one end first, then line them up on your cutting board and cut the rest to the same length.

Sprinkle them with a delicious mixture of olive oil and garlic.

Roast them! I roast them first for only 10 minutes to avoid overcooking them. Just make sure your oven is preheated!

Garnish them with mozzarella cheese and roast (or roast) them! You can use any cheese you have on hand here, preferably a good, soft, melting cheese.


1 bunch of asparagus, woody tip cut off.

3 cups of butter, melted

1/2 teaspoon of my homemade seasoning (equal parts garlic powder, onion powder, and pepper… to be mixed and kept in an airtight container)

1 ton of grated parmesan cheese

3/4 C. grated mozzarella cheese

Italian seasoning


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