This Is Why You Shouldn’t Eat Chicken Every Day

5. A higher chance of antibiotic resistance

It’s common practice among poultry farmers to force antibiotics on their livestock. By eating this chicken, humans can then become resistant to these antibiotics. Of course, this poses a very real risk when you’re dealing with an infection and you have to take antibiotics. Chances are the medication doesn’t work the way it should.

So, are you supposed to scratch chicken out of your diet entirely? No, but do be aware that a varied diet is much more beneficial to your health.

6. You will increase your risk of cancer.

Eating chicken was associated with a higher risk of getting cancer, according to a study in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. Researchers at Oxford University tracked the diets of 450,000 people over an eight-year period and found that “poultry intake was positively associated with risk for malignant melanoma, prostate cancer, and non-Hodgkin lymphoma.”

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